Acquiring a business is a milestone event for most individual lifestyle buyers – one that can take significant personal and financial investment. CenterPoint’s Advisors will assist you in evaluating our client’s business opportunities to find one that meets your key goals. We help you shape your evaluation criteria and select the business opportunity that best fits your personal & financial objectives, skills and resources.
For the strategic buyer, we speak your language. We can work with you and your team from letter of intent to due diligence and through final transfer. We help make the process smooth.
To start the process we ask each buyer to register with us so that we can immediately begin helping you through the acquisition process. To receive detailed information about specific businesses you will be required to execute a Confidentiality Agreement followed by a phone interview with one of our Business Advisors.
As a registered buyer you will be among the first to hear about new business opportunities. Once you have selected a business to pursue, one of our Business Advisors will work closely with you and your team to guide you through the complex process of contracting, financing and acquiring a business.